About The Book

Being The Cause

It's Your Responsibility

Many people blame others and circumstances for their negative experiences. And yet, the blaming keeps them stuck. Supporting such an “Effect” State (“They’re doing it to me”) only masks the symptoms of the underlying problem. The problem is the unwillingness on the part of most people to take total responsibility for their own experience.
The truth is simple: we are responsible for everything in our experience, whether we like it or not. Liking or not liking the situation is only a matter of evaluation.
The corollary problem is equally as devastating. People often look to therapy, the government or religion to support and “save” them, which is the opposite of the Blame Game. In other words, instead of saying that something or someone is “doing it to them,” they wait for something or someone to “do it for them.” 

In order for any of your experiences to have meaning, you need to assume the position of “cause.” Otherwise, you’re constantly searching for the latest, the best, the most wonderful “transformation” experience, and then feeling frustration because the impact doesn’t last.
YOU are the one who makes your life work. YOU are the one who gets it all together, not someone or something else. 

Taking Responsibility

To assume that you’re actually the cause of your experience goes to the root, the basis, the heart of the matter. To do so is to allow change to take place without “efforting”, working at it, or trying to make it happen.

Assuming a cause position enables you to take charge and to see the perfection of your experience. Only then can you have true success and satisfaction in your your job, your relationships and, indeed, your life. This book gives you the road map and the push you need to take all the steps necessary to create the life you want and are meant to have. “Being the Cause” is the book you have been waiting for!


Being The Cause is about YOU

The purpose of this book is to allow you to experience more responsbility, satisfaction, and success in your life.
The book is written in free verse; it is not a book to "speed read." Reflect upon the words. Create your own sense of what they mean. "Fill in the blanks" with your own experience.
Aspects of the truth about how life works would become apparent in the strangest places at the strangest times.
This book was written by Dr. Michael Durst on napkins, with notes on his cellphone and laptop in restaurants, on planes, and in meeting rooms all over the world. In fact the original 1.0 version of this book was called, Napkin Notes: On the Art of Living.
When he was doing speeches and seminars all over the world, he would suddenly feel compelled to write an “Aha” or insight he experienced. Each time he would notice the simplicity and the beauty of the Truth.
Finally, the Truth all seemed so simple

That’s what the great philosophers and psychologists had been talking about for years! That’s what Maslow’s “self-actualized,” Rogers’ “fully-functioning,” and Berne’s “winners” were all about! That’s what Christ, Buddha, and Lao Tzu meant!


Whenever he would find himself being the “effect” of his experience and living out the Drama, he would reluctantly have to acknowledge that he was the cause and not the “effect” of his experience.

By sharing these insights often in a humorous way, with steel engravings from the turn of the 20th century, he has been able to assist thousands of people to take charge of their lives and to be the cause of what they want to experience.

By creating an awareness, readers have come to realize that they had a choice, and so began the journey of their own self-directed life for not only greater success but for the happiness they had always wanted.

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